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  • Rebecca

Journal for You and Your Values

Updated: Jul 30, 2021

Journaling… it’s a word with a lot of baggage. Most people who have spent any time in therapy have heard it at least a few times. Why is this so often recommended? Well to be honest, there can be a lot of benefits. You can find lists upon lists with a quick google search. Go ahead, see what you find. I’ll wait. You might want to stop here after all, you’ve got a list of journal prompts now but if you’re interested in more, keep going.

So why am I writing about journaling? I have hated journaling most of my life. Then I found that was because I had a limited idea of what it meant journal. The thought I have had myself and what I have heard from clients of their past experiences often is to write about my day or my feelings. Now both of these are valid and can be a great way to start journaling, but I always found that to be difficult way to start or keep going.

Now when I think of journaling and when I ask my clients to give it a try, I discourage the day to day chronicle and the feelings part unless those specifically speak to you in that moment. So, what do we write instead then?

First, we need to stop thinking of journaling as a writing activity only. Journaling can include art, drawing, cut and glue pictures, poetry, found items, short stories, etc. You can include almost anything you want the point is to make it a habit and start expressing yourself.

I’ve seen journals with entries as short as 1-3 affirmations in the morning, 1-3 gratitudes, or as long a multi-page story with yourself as the character. I once had a client simply draw in their journal. Each day they would choose 2-3 colors that matched their emotions and draw abstract images. Others use photos they have taken, or images cut from a magazine to glue into their journal. There are apps you can use that will let you add music to your journal entries.

Do not limit yourself to what you may see as traditional journaling. Expand and embrace that inner self that knows what it wants to say but not how to say it.

Want more? Need prompts?

Send me an email and I’ll send you 7 days of journal prompts at no cost to you!

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